zfree 7/20/2023, 3:08:48 PM Quick Review for any ClimaTards: 1. CO2 is currently 420 ppm, which is 0.042%. Humans are responsible for 3% of that, which is 0.00126%. Thus, 99.99874% of all CO2 is created naturally. 2. At under 270 ppm CO2, plant life dies, and everything else dies with it. 3. The atmosphere has had periods where CO2 was up to and higher than 4000 ppm. During the Triassic period 215 million years ago, both plant and animal life thrived and Alaska was a jungle. 4. When Mt. St Helens erupted in 1980, it released the same amount of pollution as 270 years of human industrial activity in 1970. That’s 270 x 1970 industrial activity - IN ONE DAY. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/lawmaker-questions-top-official-over-proposed-gas-stove-ban