When there is food on the table there are many problems. When there is no food on the table there is only one problem —Chinese Proverb Our supply chain is an incredibly complex and incredibly fragile (fragility increases exponentially with complexity) global just-in-the-nick-of-time production and delivery system, and right now it is breaking down all across the world. In addition to this pandemic induced supply chain meltdown, food distribution and processing plants are also mysteriously burning down all across America. Meanwhile the bug food plants and tissue-cell factories are humming along just fine. Of particular note is our industrial food production which is run by large machinery - tractors, food processing plants, and trucks - from farm to fork. When those machines break down without spare parts available or when the fuel to run them disappears altogether from the market, food production and distribution will shut down. As you will see in the following section - and reported by all major news organizations - this problem has no end in sight, so please prepare accordingly. Civilization - goes an old maxim - is only nine meals away from barbarism—Once the food deliveries stop, so does law and order. Try to envision the vast interlinking network of moving parts required to get those meals to 300 million Americans every day, and all of the things that must go right in order for that to network to function. The purpose of this article is to warn and to point out that: Every ounce of preparation on your part will be worth a pound of survival. Famine. It's what will be for dinner. Get prepared or prepare to starve. October 14, 2021: Bloomberg release a video showing a staggering backlog of shipping containers at a port in Los Angeles. It will take months to clear this, and in the meantime the contents of those containers - finished goods, spare parts, raw materials - will be will missing from our economy. March 23, 2022: Jumping ahead seven months, China goes back into lockdown creating yet another container ship backlog on top of the one ongoing in the US. October 20, 2021 & April 22, 2022: On top of all of the dire news that follows this entry, American intelligence agencies are now warning our food producers are under threat from cyber/ransomware-attacks which could cause major disruption to food production and transport similar to what happened to JBS - one of the largest meat packers in the world - earlier this year. You may click one of the following links to jump to your preferred news outlet's take on the supply chain meltdown, or continue scrolling down from here to read them all: NYTimes ● WAPO ● The Atlantic ● CNN ● FOX ● MSNBC ● WSJ ● NBC ● Al.com ● Reuters ● NPR ● ABC ● Newsweek ● The Epoch Times ● Zero Hedge And finally, here is a trucker of 20 years explaining why the supply chain backlog will not get better and will not get fixed—If you read nothing else in this article, be sure to read this. |