This website is the work of a single person, Peter Meyer, who developed it over 25 years, 1996‑2021. It is based on a Libertarian (in the sense of J.S.Mill) perspective and is opposed to Fascism, Capitalism, Zionism, the Anglo-Zionist Empire, the tyrannical Surveillance State and all who seek to cause wars (including civil wars) for their own advantage and profit.
This website asserts the right of people everywhere (by virtue of their human nature) to pursue their lives, interests and pleasures free from exploitation and domination by political and economic forces which seek to enslave them, and from dictatorial authoritarian governments (aren't they all?), rapacious capitalist corporations, mendacious religious organizations, fraudulent international bankers, the lying mainstream media and the unholy alliance among all of these which seeks to deprive everyone else of their freedom, health, wealth, happiness and the full realization of their spiritual potential.
P. B. Shelley: “Rise like lions after slumber ... Ye are many — they are few.”
Malcolm X: “I am for truth, whoever tells it.”
Albert Einstein: “Only two things are infinite — the universe and human stupidity ...”
The Serendipity website is now available on USB flash drive.
- F. William Engdahl: Some Background on Big Pharma and the Covid Pandemic
This contains two articles:
- Delta Variants, PCR Tests and Cognitive Dissonance
- We Should Trust 'The Science' of the Pharma Industry?
The amount of greed, corruption, fraud and blatant disregard for public health by the main so-called "vaccine" makers (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZaneca and Johnson&Johnson) is absolutely staggering. As is the amount of death, injury and destruction of people's lives and livelihoods (both of adults and of children) that they have knowingly caused (and will continue to cause). This level of evil cannot continue to be ignored if we are to remain human.
See 15,472 Dead 1.5 Million Injured (50% Serious) Reported in European Union's Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots
And VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports — 15,937 deaths and 71,036 hosptializations- Covid "Vaccines" and the Nuremberg Code
The attempt by the executives of U.S. and other health "authorities" to administer the COVID-19 "vaccines" to hundreds of millions of partially (if at all) informed people — often without their voluntary consent (e.g. as a condition of continued employment) and failing to protect them against even remote possibilities of injury, disability or death. — is a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code. Consequently these executives should be brought to trial before the International Criminal Court in The Hague as soon as possible so as to prevent further disabling injury and death to the innocent citizens of their countries.
- "So Deeply, Deeply Wrong" — Lithuanian Without Vaccine Pass Describes Life Under Medical Tyranny
The current reality in Lithuania foreshadows the future that faces other countries if they continue down the path of Covid Pass restrictions: Europe, the US, the UK, Australia, Canada... But there's virtually no reporting in English about this massive change in society. Or about the hatred and de-humanization which has resulted.
See also the author's more detailed and more horrifying post: Covid Pass in Lithuania and throughout Europe: How recent vaccine mandate laws have upended my family's life
And what are you going to do to help stop this coming de-humanization (maybe in your country)? Nothing? Go as sheep to slaughter? "Gee ... What can I do?" Start by thinking (maybe also informing yourself). Then act . Only you know how best to do that.
- Fox Guarding The Henhouse? Yes, Indeed!
Dr. Fauci is still the voice of COVID USA. He's had his hand in every aspect of the virus, from creating it to masking us, shutting society, and resisting early treatment, leading to hundreds of thousands of deaths. ... Far from being the face of our public health, Fauci is the face of destruction. It's time he was indicted, not extolled. It's also time we stood up and said "no" as loudly as possible — no to vaccinating our children, no to mandates, no to masks, and no to all the rules that keep us from living free lives. The more of us do that, the faster this will end.
- Pathologists' Shocking Finding from Deaths after COVID-19 Jabs
Not only did [Professor Lang] show accumulations of lymphocytes in a wide variety of tissues [in ten deaths that had occurred after COVID-19 vaccination], from the heart muscle to the kidney, liver, spleen, and uterus; he also showed images in which the tissue was massively attacked as a result, and a whole series of lymphocyte follicles, which are, as it were, small, developing lymph nodes in completely the wrong place, for example in lung tissue.
- Brandon Smith: How States And Communities Can Fight Back Against Biden's Covid Tyranny
A war is coming. ... [Actually] the war is already at our doorstep. A person has two choices: Fight or be enslaved. There is no third option. There is no walking away. There is no hiding from it and there is no passive solution to it. ... The next step? Forced vaccinations under threat of fines and imprisonment, the threat of confiscation of one's children, or vaccination at the barrel of a gun. ... Why should anyone submit to covid mandates at all? Mandates are not laws, they are color of law restrictions without legal merit. The bottom line? Unconstitutional orders are not to be followed. This leads us to the state and local strategies for fighting back against the federal passport mandates. ...See also: Organizing Patriots In The Face Of Government Informants And False Flags
and COVID-19 Detention Camps: Are Government Round-Ups of Resistors in Our Future?
- It Begins: Die-off of the Vaccinated?
- Jim Rickards: Vaccine Voodoo
The voice of sanity and reason. Totally lost on the Karens and covidiots. Mostly useless against the global elite's drive for totalitarian control of the world for their own power-crazed benefit (while aiming to cull 90% of humans).
- Jeff Thomas: The New World Order, Courtesy of Rube Goldberg
Most of the pieces of the puzzle are in place and the primary goals appear to be on the horizon. First, a collectivist form of rule is nearly complete. Collectivism consists of a gumbo of ingredients — socialism, communism, fascism and capitalism — with whatever recipe works for the particular population it is foisted upon. ... To soften up the people, ideals and [true] beliefs must be done away with. ... Next, the constant threat of aggression from others is necessary. ... The people must live in fear of a perceived enemy. The end product is a return to serfdom. ... But the principal movers of the New World Order [David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Baron Rothschild] are now getting very long in the tooth. ... And, of course, being sociopathic, this dream cannot be achieved by those who come after them; it must be achieved whilst they are alive.
- Mike Whitney: You Refuse to Get Vaccinated, But Are You Ready to be an Outcast?
[The] people that are managing this campaign [for 100% vaccination of the population] don't want anything that veers from the "official narrative". They don't want people thinking for themselves, they don't want people searching alternate websites that challenge the new prevailing doctrine on vaccines, they don't want people who read the details about the trials or the medical journals or the research papers. They don't want you to question their motives, or weigh the risks and benefits of getting vaccinated. They don't want you to notice that their vaccines never completed long-term trials or met the normal standards for product safety. They don't want you to consider the fact that mRNA is a relatively new technology with a checkered past that includes some very disturbing animal trials in which all the animals died. They don't want you to think about any of this. They want you to shut up, stand in line, turn off your brain, and roll up your sleeve. And, anyone who disagrees with that sentiment, is being censored.See also: The Unvaccinated: The New COVID Scapegoats
and MASS PSYCHOSIS — How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
- Brandon Smith: Why Are Globalists And Governments So Desperate For 100% Vaccination Rates?
How is it possible that almost all the governments on the planet are in agreement on medical totalitarianism? Well, it's rather easy to understand when you realize the majority of them are linked together through globalist institutions like the World Economic Forum, which has repeatedly called the pandemic a "perfect opportunity" to push through their plans for a "Great Reset" ... [which] is a long term ideological usurpation of what's left of individual freedom and free market economies, and its goal is the imposition of a global socialist/communist dictatorship. ...[But] there are a few hangups in their plan, and this is why I believe we are seeing an aggressive propaganda push [for total vaccination] in recent weeks. ...
Why the relentless government push for total vaccine saturation? It's not saving lives, and the mandates remain regardless, so why? I can only posit theories based on the evidence at hand, but I think it's clear to most of us that the vaccines are NOT about public health nor are they about saving lives. They are obviously about something else ... The stage is being set, in my view, for a mass infertility event, and covid will be blamed in place of [the actual cause —] the experimental vaccines. This is why the establishment needs a 100% vaccination rate; unvaccinated people would stand as evidence of their crime. ...
What if the vaccine side effects create [infertility and thus] ... diminishing population? What if they are meant to? We will not know for certain for a couple of years at least as autoimmune disorders and infertility take time to become visible in a population. ... If a large population of millions of people remain unvaccinated after the next couple of years, then they will represent a sizable and undeniable control group. A control group is a group of subjects that act as a pure sample untouched by a drug or vaccine experiment. If the vaccinated group becomes ill or dies from specific conditions and the control group does not have those same conditions, then that is a pretty good sign that your vaccine or drug is poison. ... I suspect this is what the elites are really afraid of.Klaus Schwab and his "Great Reset" global elitists wish to eliminate "useless eaters" (useless to them). Their tool is the double-jab (a.k.a. the "vaccines"), which contains toxins which over a period of a couple of years will produce infertility, injury and death in the double-jabbed. They will blame this on a new (more infectious and more deadly) "variant" of "the Covid-19 virus". But this story will not be credible if it is only the double-jabbed who have become infertile, injured and die. If the jabbed constitute (as at present) about 50% the U.S. population, and the 50% unjabbed do not suffer this injury, then it will be plain to see that it is the jab, the "vaccine", that is the cause. Thus in order for the elitists' story to hold up, it is necessary that all, or almost all, of the population gets double-jabbed. If not, it will be clear that the elitists (by means of their poisonous "vaccines") have attempted something close to global genocide. In which case those of them who cannot flee to their private islands in the Pacific will have a problem, namely, how to avoid being hanged from lampposts. To overcome this problem they may provoke a global war (likely going nuclear quickly) to distract attention from their obvious guilt — unless they can be stopped first.
- Brandon Smith: We Will Not Comply: A Campaign Against Medical Tyranny
See also: France, Italy Swept By Mass Protests Against COVID Health Pass (and the comments).The primary strategy of the covid cult has been to work with larger corporations to demand proof of vaccination (vaccine passports). We must let these companies know in no uncertain terms that we will cut off all consumer support for their businesses. We will not work for them and we will not give them a penny of our money. Instead, we will approach smaller local businesses, find out if they are a part of the 'We Will Not Comply' campaign, and if they are, then we will support them instead. It's time to teach these corporations a lesson and put them out of commission by removing our money and our labor from their pockets. ...
Eventually, the Biden Administration is going to attempt federal level lockdowns and vaccine controls. It's only a matter of time. This is where organization is vital. Counties and states with majority conservatives and liberty advocates must band together and once again say "We Will Not Comply". If your state government is on board and defying Biden then that will be extra helpful, but do not make the mistake of assuming that state governments alone will protect you. You must be organized at a local level, with your community and local businesses ready to make a stand. This must start now, before it is too late. ...
Finally, if the covid cult decides to pursue direct force as an option, we must be ready to fight back. Without local organization at minimum, defending ourselves will be difficult or impossible. This means bringing back an old standby of the Founding Fathers: The militia.
- Dr. Doug Corrigan: Is a Coronavirus Vaccine a Ticking Time Bomb?
In some viruses, if a person harbors a non-neutralizing [that is not completely effective] antibody to the virus, a subsequent infection by the virus can cause that person to elicit a more severe reaction to the virus due to the presence of the non-neutralizing antibody. ... This is called Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE), and is a common problem with ... coronaviruses. ... If ADE occurs in an individual, their response to the virus can be worse than their response if they had never developed an antibody in the first place.That response can include a cytokine storm which can result in death.- In May 2021, 15 months after the lie of "15 days to flatten the curve", The COVID-19 PsyOp Unravels
- F. William Engdahl: Alarming Casualty Rates for mRNA Vaccines Warrant Action
On May 8 the European Medicines Agency (EMA) an agency of the European Union (EU) in charge of the evaluation and supervision of medical products, using the data base EudraVigilance which collects reports of suspected side effects of medicines including vaccines, published a report that barely warranted mention in major mainstream media. Through May 8, 2021 they had recorded 10,570 deaths and 405,259 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots: [Moderna, Pfizer, Astrazaneca and Janssen]. ... [For] the Pfizer "experimental" vaccine, most reported injuries included blood and lymphatic system disorders including deaths; cardiac disorders including deaths; musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders; respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders, and vascular disorders. For the Moderna mRNA vaccine, most serious injuries or causes of death included blood and lymphatic system disorders; cardiac disorders; musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders; disorders of the central nervous system. ... The EMA also notes that it is believed that only a small percent of actual vaccine deaths or serious side effects, perhaps only 1% to 10%, are reported ...So probably more than 105,000 people have died (up to May 8) following injection of these four "experimental" "vaccines". With no doubt many more deaths and injuries to come. When will the number be large enough to count as a global genocide?- The Actual Cause(s) of "COVID-19 Illness" — Is it Graphene Oxide?
- CJ Hopkins on the Covid-19 Psyop and the Impending Global Totalitarianism
- Giorgio Agamben: Biosecurity and Politics
What is striking about the reactions to the exceptional [Covid-19 'pandemic'] measures implemented in our country ... is the inability to observe them beyond the immediate context in which they seem to operate. Rare are those who try instead, as a serious political analysis would require, to interpret them as symptoms and signs of a wider experiment, in which a new paradigm of government of men and things is at stake. ... At issue is nothing less than the creation of a sort of "health terror" as an instrument to govern what was defined as the worst case scenario. ... It is clear that ... what is at issue is the design of a paradigm of government whose effectiveness far exceeds that of all forms of government that have been known so far in the political history of the West.- Jason Watton: Future Imperfect
July 2021, the WEF has scheduled a cyber pandemic simulation with political, business, and media leaders in the same vein as their Event 201 virus pandemic simulation. This event is titled CyberPolygon ...COVID-19 PsyOp — Control by Fear
A comment on Zero Hedge:
I don't care if you think this COVID-19 virus came from a Chinese bio‑lab or from one in the US, they have hit on the magic formula for control by fear. Now that they know it works BEAUTIFULLY, they're just going to keep doing it again and again and again until the population hands them complete control of everything VOLUNTARILY.And now it's been officially admitted.
- How the COVID-19 Lockdowns Emerged
The origin of this panic seems to have been a report from CNN on January 26, 2020, of an alleged statement by China's health minister Ma Xiaowei that people who are (supposedly) infected by the virus can infect others without themselves showing any symptoms of illness. If that were true (and there is zero evidence for this) then you could be infected just by walking down the street — clearly a reason to panic. ... Dr. Fauci is quoted as saying, "the Chinese did not tell U.S. health authorities that the virus could spread before someone is symptomatic", thus implicitly suggesting that indeed that was the case. This was denied by epidemiologist Dr. Michael Osterholm, who stated, "I know of no evidence in 17 years of working with coronaviruses ... where anyone has been found to be infectious during their incubation period."
- Doug Casey: What the International Ruling Class Have Planned for You
The people who attend Davos are all welfare statists. They're not necessarily socialists, insofar as they don't want to see government nationalize industries. Most understand how totally dysfunctional that is and that they don't really benefit from it. Strict socialism, defined as State ownership of the means of production, is off the table. They prefer economic fascism, where a powerful State can funnel wealth to the corporations the elite own or control. They're happy to throw some table scraps to the unwashed masses, of course.
Smartphones Suck! has been updated. Recommended reading for smartphone addicts.
- Chronological listings of articles by:
- Jeff Thomas: Central Bankers Reveal the Next Phase in Their War on Savers
[The big guns in this war will be] Capital controls and migration controls. The capital controls will consist of restricting your money so that it can't leave your home jurisdiction, so that you can't have any meaningful control over what you do with it. And the migration controls will consist of a series of reasons why it's non-patriotic or even criminal to go beyond your home-country's borders. At first, this will mean that you can't move abroad, but eventually, it will eliminate most or all travel abroad. ... So, the obvious answer ... is to escape from that environment before it's fully instituted. Expatriate your wealth, no matter how great or small, to a country where the government is not building pens for the sheeple.
Richard K. Moore: Climate Change Demystified
[The] truth about climate change: nothing unnatural has happened. There is no indication, none at all, that CO2 or anything else related to humans has had any effect on climate.
- Jeff Thomas: "The Fight Started When He Hit Me Back"
The tab from the military-industrial complex rises each year. This has been made possible through the creation of perpetual warfare. The more countries the US is at war with at any given time, the greater the sales to the US government by the complex. Of course, in order for this to occur, political leaders must continue to start wars with regularity and keep them going as long as possible, even to the point of pointlessness ...
- David Stockman on How the Deep State Really Works
These idiots in Washington and all these think tanks that talk about regime change and bringing democracy to the world and so forth — never even think about the consequences — the message that these violent episodes send — and the unfortunate reaction that people take in order to defend themselves. ... The problem is there’s lasting damage when you engage in all this regime change over so many years and episodes. They don’t trust you. Trump has worked very hard, using an odd, idiosyncratic personal diplomacy to build up trust with Kim. It seems to be working, but there are just so many forces at work behind the scenes that are aiming to undermine that trust-building so that nothing happens. They want to keep 29,000 troops in South Korea, in harm’s way, as a tripwire, so that the North Koreans obey us ... If you take away the Korean threat, if you recognize the Iranians aren’t a threat, if you see that Russia is a tiny little country that’s not going to invade Western Europe ... [Suddenly] somebody is going to do the math as we get into the coming fiscal crisis and say, “We can’t afford all this defense that we don’t need [anyway]. Let’s cut it back dramatically.” They [the Deep State] don’t want this to happen. And so, they have to keep these hot spots burning and these threats maintained or inflated, because they know if the real truth of the world were considered by Congress, the defense budget would be slashed dramatically.And then funding would be available for affordable housing, health care, fixing roads and bridges, agriculture, jobs, breaking up monopolies and so on.
- Jeff Thomas: Democracy Is the Ideal Distraction
[In] a country where the illusion of democracy has become refined, the rulers come to understand that elections should not result in an overwhelming victory for one party or the other. Quite the opposite. If it can be arranged effectively, the best election is one that results in a 51% to 49% split. This ensures that the 49% will not lose hope — that they'll be both frustrated and angry at their near-miss, and redouble their efforts in the next election in order to have a win. And the 51% will wipe their collective brow in relief at having won, but will fear losing their slim advantage next time around.Sound familiar?
- Julian Assange, Wikileaks and Cablegate has been updated since his arrest.
Clearly it is the intent of the hypocritical US and UK governments (with despicable Australian government complicity) that Julian Assange will die in Belmarsh Prison for revealing to the world that the US government is guilty of war crimes. What we are witnessing is a gradual judicial murder.Hey Australia, why do you cowards remain silent while the US and the UK are publicly torturing (to death) one of your native sons, who has never been convicted of any crime worth the name but rather has done the world a great service? Have you no shame? Or are you terrified of incurring the displeasure of your American masters?
- Brandon Smith: The Syrian Debacle Is Actually Well Planned Chaos
[Syria is] the first domino in a chain of dominoes that could lead to a war involving international powers. I believe this war will develop on multiple fronts, most importantly on the economic front, but it could very well turn into a shooting war involving numerous actors. Syria is so important, in fact, that the establishment has been careful to smother all discussion about what is really going on there in a fog of propaganda. ... BOTH Republicans and Democrats as well as eastern and western governments are participating in the lies and misdirection.
Whitney Webb: More Americans Questioning Official 9/11 Story As New Evidence Contradicts Official Narrative
Evidence continues to mount that the official narrative itself is the irrational narrative of September 11, and it becomes ever more clear that the media remains committed to preventing legitimate questions about that day from receiving the scrutiny they deserve.
- Dmitri Orlov on the Moon Landings
What’s harder to do, land on the Moon six times with zero casualties, or fake the whole thing and keep it quiet? The latter is just an exercise in public relations, and PR ain’t rocket science.
Steps in faking the Moon landings were the following:
- Bribe or browbeat the Soviet leadership ... to go along with the fake and to keep it quiet.
- Simulate launches of Saturn V rockets ...
- Simulate radio communications between flight control center and the flight crew using radio relays.
- Falsify lunar rocks supposedly retrieved from the Moon.
- Simulate videos and photos supposedly made while on the Moon with the help of Stanley Kubrick.
- Destroy a great deal of evidence in order to make the fake harder to prove.
- Stonewall all those who kept asking obvious questions for five decades running.
- The Difference Between Sex and Gender
What sex are you? Oops! Politically incorrect! I should have said, What gender are you? So sorry! /s- Extracts from Kunstler’s "Nemesis Rising!" concerning pedophile Jeffrey Epstein
And now there is the Epstein matter, which threatens not only former president Bill Clinton, but a cosmos of political, financial, and entertainment “stars” in countless ugly incidents that involve a kind of personal corruption that has no political context but says an awful lot about the obliteration of moral and ethical boundaries by the people who ended up running things in this fretful moment of US history.- NATO’s Arab Spring and Unintended Deadly Consequences — the latest addition to F. William Engdahl’s Newsletters
- Carlo M. Cipolla: The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity (A synopsis by Corinne Purtill is here.)
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the universe. — Albert Einstein- Paul Craig Roberts: The Assange/Manning Cases Discredit Humanity
The corrupt Western media is against Assange because he shows them up as devoid of an ounce of integrity and devoid of the practice of journalism. ... Washington, which claims to represent the American people, is for war and more war. Bolton intends that the US will, for Israel, attack Iran and create chaos there as was created in Iraq and Libya, and also in Syria prior to the Russian intervention. Under neoconserative and Israeli leadership, America has become a deranged country, distrusted by other governments and considered the primary threat to peace and life on earth.- Caitlin Johnstone Debunks all the Assange Smears
Corrupt and unaccountable power uses its political and media influence to smear Assange because, as far as the interests of corrupt and unaccountable power are concerned, killing his reputation is as good as killing him. ... Those of us who value truth and light need to fight this smear campaign in order to keep our fellow man from signing off on a major leap in the direction of Orwellian dystopia, and a big part of that means being able to argue against those smears and disinformation wherever they appear.- Julian Assange Arrested
- John Pilger: Assange Arrest a Warning from History
- Chris Hedges: The Martyrdom of Julian Assange
- Daniel Ellsberg’s The Doomsday Machine: A prescient warning of the danger of nuclear war
Chapter by chapter, Ellsberg describes US plans for nuclear attack that can be triggered by accident, or by intention, very easily, leading to a nuclear holocaust which would wipe out all life on the planet. ... Ellsberg warns that the threat of nuclear destruction has only increased since the end of the Cold War, precisely because the public sense of the dangers has steadily eroded, in addition to the American government’s quest for world hegemony ... [As] Ellsberg’s book so eloquently explains, we are dealing not with individuals who may or may not be mad, but a system which is mad ... Ellsberg ... sees the threat of omnicide, the destruction of the species, as something inherent in the human condition itself ...- The Bankers' Stealth Coup — and an Appeal from William Engdahl
- Conversation with Christopher Bache (PDF file)
I ask: how many of our children and grandchildren are going to have to die before we will be willing to make the changes that we are not willing to make today? My visionary experience is that it is going to get very bad, but that through this crisis we will give birth to a radically transformed human being: a human being healed of the scars of war and the terrible things we’ve done to each other through the centuries; a more conscious human being capable of deeper relationships and deeper communion with the creative intelligence of the universe; a more spiritually realized human being.- Michael McCullough: Religion is Mostly about Sex
The Globalist Agenda Explained
Their goal and end-game of course goes way beyond the destruction of European nations and cultures. It is global. They are busy imposing on the entire world a One World Government, with a One World Bank (an international privately run one just like the US Fed), and a One World Currency, with a of course a one-world UN military force to enforce trading in that currency in the same way that the US military enforces trading in the US petrodollar. This is not theory but fact to any disinterested observer of the globalist movement and its sources.- Cognitive Dissonance: The Essence of Control is its Concealment
- Gene Editing Golems and Mad Science — the latest addition to F. William Engdahl's Newsletters — including:
- US Gov Backs Dangerous New Genetic Manipulation Approach
- Is Gene Editing the New Name for Eugenics?
- Son of Frankenstein? UK Body Backs Human Embryo Gene Editing
- GMO Lobby Plots to Corrupt EU Court Ruling on Gene Editing
- China’s Golem Babies: There is Another Agenda
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