COVID-19: A Study in Psychological Coercion & Hypnosis
February 23, 2022
By fortiori

Companion Article: The Results of Merciless & Relentless Vaccine Propaganda

Author's Note: Please consider saving this evidence - before the powers that shouldn't be shove it down the memory hole.

Divide and Conquer
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This pandemic is so scripted and contrived you can practically see the puppet strings at work on nearly all of the participating politicians and media personalities.

Given that they are winding down the virus propaganda machine just in time to ramp up the war propaganda machine - until the next virus comes along right on cue - let's put those scripted fear-mongering lies under a microscope and examine them in order to arm ourselves with the knowledge we need to guard ourselves against the next wave of deception:

New Normal  ●  Alone Together  ●  Build Back Better  ●  Flatten the Curve
Stay Home Save Lives  ●  Protect/Save the NHS  ●  We’re all in this together
Test, Trace, Treat  ●  Stay smart, Stay Safe, Stay Open  ●  We Stay Home!
Don’t Panic, Don’t Rush, Don’t Overstock  ●  Only You Can Prevent the Spread
Stay Home, Your Home is Your Lifeline  ●  Stay Home, Save Lives, Avoid Stage 5
NHS: We Stay At Work for You – You Stay At Home For Us  ●  COVID Ends With You
Follow The Science  ●  Trust The Science  ●  Believe In The Science
Be Informed, Be Prepared, Be Smart, Be Safe: Be Ready to Fight COVID-19
The vaccine will save us  ●  The booster will save us  ●  The 4th dose is the answer
Your freedom ends where your contagion begins  ●  Self Isolate!
I wear my mask to protect you and you wear your mask to protect me
There is no evidence of harm  ●  This is a pandemic of the un-vaccinated
Out of an abundance of caution  ●  No one is safe until everyone is safe
This is for the greater good  ●  It is Safe and Effective  ●  The science is settled

These are not science terms and phrases. They are hypnotic chants meant to induce an audience into a suggestive state of mind – this is why they are repeated over and over and over again.

Furthermore, masking has historically been an integral part of an initiation ritual: in our case the initiation into the “new normal” the globalists have planned for us.

Put another way—all of this was one giant world-wide psychological operation. Here is a collection of authorities admitting this with its horrible effects woven through them. Take the time to read through this–the crimes are horrible. But first, to put these horrors into context, COVID-19 posed practically no risk to anyone, and yet we were blitzed with fearmongering at every turn:

Near Nonexistant Death Rate Of Young COVID Patients September 2020

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Divide and Conquer 101: Us vs Them

uk stay home protect the nhs

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!Economic Downturn Could Kill Hundreds Of Thousands Of Children In 2020 UN Warns.png
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LA Times Those Who Die Because They Do Not Vaccinate Deserve It.png

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The Embodiment of the COVID-19 Con

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Vaccines Lose Power Like Batteries Recharge Your Protection

Vaccines Lose Power Like Batteries Recharge Your Protection

Get Better Protection During Pregnancy With The COVID Booster Swiss FOPH
From the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health.

Pfizer Vaccine Pregnancy Side Effects Abortions

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California Would Bill Allows 12 Year Olds to Get Vaccinated Without Parental Approval
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Other articles by fortiori: The Root of All Evil ● The New Demented Normal

Terminal Delusion ●  DARPA Unmasked  ●  The Memory Hole    False Prophet  ●  Ill Fares the Land  ●  Future Imperfect  ●  Balance  ●  Control in Chaos  ●  Library  ●  Degradation  ●  PCRFraud  ●  Vaccine Non-Efficacy  ●  Maskerade  ●  Tanzania & WEF   The Harbinger of Famine  ●  FDA Captured  ●  The Governmental Covenant  ●  The Belief Trap  ●  The False Choice  ●  Boiling the COVID Frog  ●  The Lockdown Shakedown  ●  Future Fractured  ●  Occult is the New Blatant  ●  The New Demented Normal  ●  Root of All Evil  ●  Europe's Suicide  ●  The Abortion Descent  ●  Demons Disguised as Guardians  ●  Truth is Treason  ●  Merciless Stroke Poke Propaganda  ●  Counterfeit Continuity  ●  The Soros Virus

The One World Government At Our Doorstep

Adventures in Lawlessness

Flim-flam-demic: The Truth About COVID-19

It's Never Been About Safety

The Outriders of the New World Order

United We Will Stand, Divided We Will Fall

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